Which pistol I can see in my inventory and actually use depends on the order in which I picked them up: The first one I pick up is the one that appears in my inventory. I dropped and picked up both pistols and it keeps happening.

The two guns don't have the same condition, and the name didn't say (2) behind it as it should when things stack. I don't think this is supposed to happen. When I picked it up, it seemed to stack on top of my other 10mm pistol. I then found a 10mm pistol in perfect condition in Nipton. I had a 10mm pistol in my inventory, with around 70% health. I think the following image is especially good for seeing where the laser sight is located. 10mm Pistol built-in laser sight - posted in Fallout 4 Mod Requests: I think it would be great if someone made a mod that adds a built-in laser sight to the standard 10mm pistol, because it looks like it might have one on the existing model, and I think it should have one anyway. This is unique 10mm pistol named Santa Fe shots laser instead of bullets but still uses 10mm rounds this is a good gun in the beginning of the game and should be a good gun through out. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu.